Code Word HEX
A free, interactive digital magazine created by Brittany Hernandez using Gavel! In each issue, Brittany does a deep dive into her projects and shares pro tips on hybrid no-code / low-code development, tools, design strategy, and more.
Code Word HEX
From Issue 1.2 - Language Learning - French Edition
From Issue 1.3 - Escape Room Mackesy
From Issue 1.4 - Daily Journal
From Issue 1.5 - Case Briefs and Class Notes (Single Repeating Item Version)
From Issue 1.5 - Case Briefs and Class Notes (Template 2 Cases with Gavel + Zapier -> Notion Version)
From Issue 1.5 - Case Briefs and Class Notes (5 Cases with Gavel + Zapier -> Notion Version)
From Issue 1.5 - Case Briefs and Class Notes (Word Templates for Case Briefs 1 and 2)
From Issue 1.14 - Favorite Artists